Tarasenko Valeria and Tolkachev Stanislav joined the TxT group, realizing that the difference between their arts and the community of views enriches the interaction and inspires the creation of alternative creative works in real time.
We, as a creative group consisting of an artist, a musician and a photographer, see ourselves as the task of making an act of materialization of an idea into a concrete form, sound or experience.
We work using engagement mechanisms when a group of artists and an audience immersed in interacting with one another, creating a subject of collective creativity.
In our work we strive to create a field in which everyone can, from their own experience, understand the meaning of the emergence of certain situations and impulses in our lives.
Our creativity is a kind of communication with the world, people and ourselves. By interacting with each other, we generate messages and broadcast the memory of what was, is and will be.